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¡Conviértase en Miembro!
*Patrick Jay*Grand Mama
You*MAKADIN* in heaven,sing for joy,and earth exult!The Lord is coming,He will take pity on those in distress.
*Patrick Jay*grand Mama
Lord,u keep ur word n do everything u say.When someone stumbles or falls,u give a helping hand.Psalm 145*MAKADIN*
Mommy To Angel Savannah White
I light this candle for you Baby Makadin. Hope you are having a great day in Heaven. God Bless your family!
Hi babygirl.. mommy cant wait to come to ohio and visit you.. me and daddy are going to pick u out a headstone this month, i loveu
Hello. babygirl/.. i love and miss u!!!
patrickjay-clark*Grd Mama
*Makadin*.Before your light the stars were dim;but your radiance in the sky brought beauty,peace & joy to the earth.
Dianne/mom of Nicholas White
Keeping the faith our angels are blessed w/a glorious new life in heaven filled w/opportunities beyond our imaginations
Melissa Scatto
Well we are leaving today for Disney World...My Thoughts and Prayers will still be with your Loving Families..Sending much Love...
Hello babygirl. i hpe u r having a good day in heaven. daddy got a new job so we will be getting u a headstone. i love u.
Yannick*Patrick Jay*Grand mama
Lord"Bless all the dear children in your tender care"Happy Sunday*little*MAKADIN*
Jordan's Grandma
Good morning little angel. Hugs and kisses. ♥
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
She's gone to play with angels In heaven up above So keep your special memories And treasure. them with love
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