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*Patrick Jay*Grand Mama
May your guardian angel keep watch over you *Makadin* to night.
Jordan's Grandma
Good morning princess Makadin. Hugs and kisses. ♥
Our days r like a flower of the field we bloom.The wind sweeps over us n we r gone.The Lord makes us live 4 eternity 2 eternity.
Mom to Angel Justin Lindley
·:*:· ♥ ·:*:Our angels might be hidden from our view but they journey by our side , they are in the heart forever♥ღ
18 more days till your birthday baby girl!! your going to be 3.. Love and miss you
patrickjay-clark*Grand Mama
Little*Makadin*,a special angel full of grace ,a smile on your beautiful face, sprinkling your love from place to place.
patrickjay-clark*Grand Mama
Little*Makadin* You are blessed each day because you live in a land flowing with milk and honey."Dn.6: 3
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
Grieve not, nor speak of me with tears, but laugh And talk of me as if I were beside you. I loved You so—‘twas heaven here with you.
*Patrick Jay*Grand Mama
The sun the moon the stars r shining 2 let us know that the light in our hearts shines 4 ever thinking of you.(*Makadin*)
*Patrick Jay*Grand Mama
Little*Makadin*.H ow precious you are in the eyes of the Lord.How precious you are to us too.
Hello baby girl.. mommy loves you very much!! you got a birthday coming up.. love you Goodnite
*Patrick Jay*Grand Mama
"A child is like a snow flake,each unique,each special,each a gift from God"(Makadin)
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