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Waylon's mom Happy Thursday June 11, 2009

Waylon's mom Nite Nite Makadin June 9, 2009
Jordan's Grandma Thinking of You June 7, 2009

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Waylon's mom Guardian angels June 5, 2009

Listen closely to the winds,

and hear the gentle whisper

of an angel's wings in flight...

Look far into the sky

and see the shimmering

stardust left behind.

Close your eyes &

clear your thoughts

and feel the love of your

very own very real

Guardian Angel.

~HuGs & kIsSeS~

Waylon's mom Have a fun filled day Makadin June 3, 2009


when the sun wakes up,

and the dew drops in,

and the breeze whistles its song,

and the clouds dance on the wild blue yonder,

and the forest whispers its secrets,

and the rivers roll with laughter,

till the stars tip-toe softly

'round the moon...



all day,

just know

I'm thinking about you

and hoping you're smiling.

Edwina~Troy Mitchell's mum Thinking of Makadin with love. June 2, 2009

Waylon's mom sweet dreams June 2, 2009
Twins & Micheals Mom (Scatto) Thinking of You and your Family... May 30, 2009
Teresa Mom to Angel Justin Lindley May 29, 2009
The Scatto Angel's Mom Memorial Day 2009 May 23, 2009
Total Condolences: 102
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