When mommy would take a bath u would kick, and be in my ribs, u hated when i took a bath. You was a daddy's girl you would be kickin away and when daddy would touch my tummy u would stop, it was soo cute!!
I got up today to go to Arney's funeral, he was a friend of mommy's family's. but mommy didnt feel good so we stayed home. about noon mommy noticed u wasnt moving so i called the hospital, they told me to drink pop and if u didnt move in 2 hrs to come in. u hadent moved so i tryed a bath, u still didnt move, mommy knew something was wrong.. Mamaw Karen took me to the hospital and at first they couldnt find your heartbeat, then the nurse said she found it and they put me in a room. my doctor come in and tryed to find u on the heartbeat thing and couldnt all they found was mommy's heartbeat. they brought in the ultrasound and after bout 10 min my doctor turned to me and said "Im sorry but we cant find a heartbeat" i lost it.. The nurses came in and got ur big sister and brought mommy some meds. mommy and daddy went out and called there family..